Professional Insurance Agent of the Year Award
The PIA Texas Agent of the Year Award is PIA Texas' highest state award of distinction. It is presented in recognition of one outstanding agent who has distinguished himself or herself as an independent agent demonstrating the highest ethical and service standards. The winner may not have held any of the following PIA Texas positions during the three years before the voting deadline: President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, or Past President. Each winner should be judged on the below criteria:
- Contributions to their agency,
- Professional education and experience,
- Contributions to the American Agency System,
- Contributions to PIA Texas,
- Involvement in community affairs.
Standing as a professional agent.
Outline agency growth.
How has the candidate encouraged the education of staff?
Professional organizations to which the candidate belongs?
List designations achieved.
Contributions to the American Insurance Agency System
Participation in PIA and other state/regional/national insurance organizations (include dates)
List offices held.
List committee appointments.
List achievements, honors, and award.
Promotion of PIA Texas
Does the candidate display the PIA Texas logo on business cards, letterhead, advertising, etc.? (include samples)
Community Affairs
List contributions in serving the public such as charitable, business, religious, or civic. (include dates)
Customer Service Representative (CSR) of the Year Award
The PIA Texas Customer Service Representative (CSR) of the Year Award is presented to an outstanding agency Customer Service Representative. He or she must be an employee of a Texas agency and not an agency owner or principal. Each CSR nominee is judged on the below criteria; he or she must represent the following qualities:
- Possesses exemplary talents, abilities, and aptitudes,
- Exhibits dedication to a PIA Texas member agency,
- Provides clients with a high level of customer service,
- Demonstrates a commitment to betterment through education,
- Contributes to the betterment of his or her community.
Capabilities and contributions
What qualities does this individual make him/her deserving of this honor? Describe any unique aptitudes, characteristics, or abilities that make this person unique, or set them apart. (Please provide examples and details.)
Give examples of how this person has improved the operations of your agency.
How has this individual served their clients uniquely or extraordinarily?
Designations & Awards
List this individual’s insurance designations/awards.
Community Involvement
List contributions in serving the public such as charitable, business, religious, or civic. (include dates)
Insurance Industry Involvement
Describe this individual’s personal involvement in the betterment of the insurance industry.
The PIA Texas Company of the Year Award
This award is presented to an outstanding company that represents the following qualities:
- Exhibits dedication to PIA Texas member agencies,
- Provides clients with a high level of customer service,
- Demonstrates a commitment to betterment through education,
- Is a contributing member of his or her community,
- Contribute to the future of The American Agency System
Commitment to the agency system
How has this agency demonstrated its commitment to the agency system?
Furthering the interest of Agents
Describe what this company has done to further the interest of professional, independent insurance agents.
Creating a better business environment
List specific examples of how this company’s efforts have resulted in a better business environment for professional, independent insurance agents.
Company/MGA Representative of the Year Award
The PIA Texas Company/MGA Representative of the Year Award is presented to an outstanding representative who represents the following qualities:
- Possesses exemplary talents, abilities, and aptitudes,
- Exhibits dedication to PIA Texas member agencies,
- Provides agent clients with a high level of service,
- Demonstrates a commitment to betterment through education,
- Contributes to the future of The American Agency System.
Professional Development
Employment history
Include current status and achievements, including previous positions. (include dates)
Describe involvement in other organizations, including honors, achievements, and awards.
Professional Ability
How extensive is the individual’s technical knowledge of the industry?
To what extent does the individual display their awareness of the industry’s challenges and market conditions?
List individual designations achieved.
Contributions to the American Agency System
Agents Assistance
Describe the assistance the individual has given to agents. (include dates)
List service as an insurance instructor. (include dates)
Community Affairs
List contributions in serving the public such as charitable, business, religious, or civic. (include dates)