Phone: (701) 400-3898 Email: [email protected] |
Carissa L. Bonner, AINS, CRIS |
Carissa entered the insurance industry in 2006. She’s worked in many aspects of the industry, including both on the company and agency sides. She currently works as a Commercial Lines Account Executive for Gibbel Insurance in Lititz, PA. Previously, she worked as a commercial underwriter on risks across the upper Midwest. She credits her underwriting experience for her enjoyment of reading forms and new employee training. Through development of classes for training commercial underwriters, she realized a true passion for teaching insurance. She holds the AINS and CRIS designations.
Featured topic: Certificates and Additional Insureds: What Did I Do to Deserve This?! See Calendar
 Phone: (732) 539-7278 Email: [email protected] |
Catherine L. Trischan, CPCU, CIC, CRM, AU, AAI, CRIS, ARM, MLIS, TRIP |
Cathy Trischan has been with the E&K Agency in Eatontown, NJ since 1996, currently serving as Director of Commercial Underwriting. She began her insurance career upon graduation from Rutgers University in 1987. She has worked as a claims adjuster for a major property and casualty carrier as well as in the commercial departments of several large, New Jersey agencies.
In addition to her work with E&K, Cathy provides education and consulting services to other agents, brokers, and insurance companies. She is a National Faculty member of The National Alliance, speaking in both the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and Certified Insurance Service Representatives (CISR) programs. She has taught both pre-licensing and continuing education courses for PIA, Brookdale Community College, and other institutions. She has written courses and articles on various insurance topics and has served as an expert witness.
Cathy holds several professional designations including CPCU, CIC and CRM. She received an Award for Academic Excellence from the Insurance Institute of America and is a participant in the CPCU Society’s Continuing Professional Development program.
Featured topics: An Hour with Cathy: Certificates of Insurance - Headaches & Remedies An Hour with Cathy: Commercial Property Valuation Options (aka "How Big is the Check?!") Certificates, Contractors, and You: Fights, Coverage Issues, Best Practices Covering Online Fraud and Employees Who Turn Out to Be Crooks Cyber Coverage: Protecting Your Insureds From Hackers, Liars, & Really Bad Bots Ethical Dilemmas in Insurance and the Responsibilities of Agents See Calendar
 Phone: (703) 966-9994 Email: [email protected] |
Chris Amrhein, AAI |
Chris Amrhein, like most true believers in insurance, stumbled upon this business accidentally; specifically, after graduating from college and needing a job.
After beginning in this business as a life-health agent, he graduated to property-casualty sales where he first met the greatest mine of comedy material existing today, the ISO forms. Following several years as a producer and independent agency manager/owner, Chris spent many years as a full-time educator/VP-Education for the Florida Association of Insurance Agents and VP-Education for the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. Those years found him traveling about the country teaching seminars on everything from agency management to the claims made CGL. It has also taught him the absolute truth of Jimmy Buffet's famous observation about those who make a career of the property-casualty business: "If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
Chris is now a speaker, consultant, seminar leader and training developer, and resides in Lorton, Virginia, with the love of his life (and wife) Donna and youngest son Alexandru (18). His two older sons - Patrick, 36 and Kevin, 34 – are doing quite well without him.
Featured topics: Social Security and Medicare: Your Questions Answered See Calendar
 Email: [email protected] |
David A. Thompson, CPCU, AAI, API, CRIS |
After receiving his college degree from Mercer University in Macon, Georgia and serving eight years as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and U.S. Coast Guard, David began his insurance career in a family-owned independent agency in Vero Beach, Florida where he was a licensed agent selling all types of insurance.
In 1996 David accepted a training & education position with the Florida Association of Insurance Agents in Tallahassee, Florida (FAIA) where he presented continuing education seminars throughout the country on a variety of property and casualty insurance subjects. He has presented hundreds of seminars dealing with insurance agent Errors and Omission issues and uses a creative approach of involving defense attorneys and plaintiff attorneys on panel discussions. He most enjoys personal lines issues, flood insurance, business auto, and commercial property issues.
In 2020 David retired as a full-time employee. He currently does insurance education and consulting for a variety of entities around the country. In addition to being a full-time insurance nerd, David is an avid runner and biker and smokes the best ribs, chicken, and pork in the country.
Featured topics: An Hour with Dave: All-Things Ordinance or Law (Personal and Commercial) An Hour with Dave: Coverages That Keep a Business Income Loss From Bankrupting You Commercial Property: Recent Changes and Crucial Concepts Flood Insurance: What You Need to Know Homeowners Deep-Dive: What You Need to Know About the Most Recent Forms See Calendar
 Phone: (800) 786-4303 Email: [email protected] |
Kevin C. Amrhein, CIC, CBIA |
Kevin is president of the Florida Insurance School of Continuing Education (FISCE) and the CE Partnership. He started his insurance career as a marketing intern before pounding the pavement as a commercial lines agent in Orlando, FL. He is a National Faculty member for the National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research’s CIC and Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR) programs.
As an industry journalist, his articles have appeared in a variety of trade publications. His insurance television career, short-lived but quite glorious, once saw him serve as the expert adviser on an insurance-themed infomercial (yes- you read that correctly).
Kevin is a graduate of the University of Central Florida. His first teaching gig was as a golf instructor where he was frequently kicked off driving ranges for giving free lessons.
Featured topics: An Hour with Kevin: Using Small Motor Vehicles to Break Things & Hurt People The STORM 2024 Edition: Commercial and Personal Lines Coverage Concerns in the Wake of a Big One See Calendar
 Phone: (732) 988-2496 Email: [email protected] |
Kym Martell, CRM, CIC, CRIS, AAI, MLIS |
Kym Martell, founder of K.M. Associates, Insurance Management & Training Consultants specializes in training and consultant services to the insurance industry.
With over 30 years’ experience in the insurance, Kym brings to her clients a wealth of experience. Her diverse background includes agency and risk management, sales, claims and customer service.
Kym has designed, developed, and delivered continuing education and professional training programs on a national level for a variety of clients including professional organizations, insurance companies, agencies, and insurance brokerage firms. She has also served as a state faculty member of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of New Jersey (IIABNJ) since 1992. Additionally, Kym is a national faculty member of Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA) for providing their E&O Risk Management Programs, and a national faculty member of Polestar Performance Programs which provides sales and coaching to insurance professionals.
Kym holds several professional designations including Certified Risk Manager (CRM), Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), Construction Risk Insurance Specialist (CRIS) and the Accredited Advisor of Insurance (AAI).
Kym resides in Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Featured topic: Liar!: An Agent's Role in Identifying & Handling Fraud Stinkin Rich, Insurance Poor: P&C Coverage Challenges for High-Net-Worth Individuals See Calendar
 Phone: (217) 691-0078 Email: [email protected] |
Nicole E. Broch, CIC, CISR, PLCS |
Nicole Broch spent over a decade as an Independent Insurance Agent and Manager of a successful partnership between a community financial institution and a local independent agency in Springfield, Illinois. She attended The Hartford School of Insurance and achieved her National Underwriter awarded Personal Lines Coverage Specialist (PLCS) designation in 2005. She went on to receive the National Alliance CISR designation in 2007 and CIC designation in 2009.
In addition to teaching National Alliance CISR modules, IIABA Errors & Omissions, Ethics, and customer service and professional development topics for IIAs, PIAs, and trade associations throughout the country, she is the Territory Sales Manager for The Hanover Group, supporting independent agents throughout Central and Southern Illinois.
Originally from Florida, Nicole has a Bachelor's degree in English from Florida State University and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the University of South Florida.
Nicole has two children, Natalie, and T.J., and enjoys playing golf, running, spending time with family, and volunteering in her community and in the insurance industry.
Featured topics: An Hour with Nicole: Everything You Need to Know About Insuring Work-From-Home Exposures An Hour with Nicole: Why Personal Lines Deductibles Always Confuse Insureds Claims That Will Convince Your Insured to Enhance Their Homeowners Coverage Inflation and Personal Lines: Helping Insureds Understand Why It Matters and What to Do See Calendar
 Phone: (386) 288-9421 Email: [email protected] |
Patrick Wraight, ITP, CIC, CRM, CISR, AU, AINS |
Patrick is the Director of Insurance Journal’s Academy of Insurance. As an insurance learning professional, he is passionate about taking the complicated and making it accessible for everyone, especially the insurance community.
He started his insurance career as a commercial underwriter for an MGA that wrote fire departments, ambulance companies, home medical equipment dealers, and other niche markets. It was there that he also started his journey in insurance education by designing and implementing a new underwriter training program.
From there, he moved to one of the largest Florida-based property insurers to become an underwriter trainer. While there, his role expanded beyond classroom and online training to become a learning consultant. He spent time with his customers to determine their learning needs and develop a plan to meet those needs.
Featured topics: Forward and Backward: Insuring Emerging Risks, Surviving Deteriorating Markets How It’s Built, How It’s Used, Will It Survive: Elements of Property Underwriting See Calendar
 Phone: (401) 294-3557 Email: [email protected] |
Robin Federici, CPCU, AAI, ARM, AINS, AIS, CPIW |
Robin Federici has been writing and presenting insurance education programs to the insurance industry for over 35 years. She formed Insurance Education & Training Associates (IETA) of Newport, Rhode Island in 2003, after serving the Independent Insurance Agents of Rhode Island (IIARI) for sixteen years; first as Director of Education and subsequently as Assistant Executive Vice President.
This followed a lengthy career in both underwriting and sales with insurance agencies and companies. Even during her agency and company days, Robin created education courses to present to her peers as a volunteer instructor for IIARI.
Robin is a technical insurance and agency management expert with the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America’s Virtual University.
This role, coupled with her extensive background in both the agency and company ranks, and her love of teaching, adds a unique dimension and immediate and practical value to the programs she presents to insurance professionals countrywide.
Robin is also the author of Swiss-Re’s current E&O program – “E&O Management – Meeting the Challenge of Change”.
Featured topic: Big Rig, Big Risk: Mastering Trucking Accounts Transportation Insurance: A Non-Standard Business Exposure See Calendar
 Phone: (573) 474-9537 Email: [email protected] |
Samuel T. Bennett, CIC, AFIS, CRIS, CPIA |
Sam Bennett is an active retail producer, presenter, and shareholder in Harrison Agency, Inc. of Columbia, MO. He began his insurance career in 1987 and has been an Independent Insurance Agent from the beginning. He has worked with individuals, families, and small businesses his entire career. In this capacity, he has worked in the personal lines, commercial lines, agribusiness and life and health marketplaces. As a result of working with many types of clients, many carriers, and many coverage needs, Sam has grown to understand and appreciate the many important ways an insurance professional must work with markets and clients in today’s insurance world.
Sam obtained his Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation in 1996. He has taught coursework for the National Alliance in their CISR program since 2000, has presented in their CIC program since 2004, and in 2009 became a National Faculty Member of the Society of CIC. Sam is also a National Faculty Member in the Agribusiness and Farm Insurance Specialist (AFIS) program and is a speaker in the AIMS Society’s Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) program and IRMI’s Construction Risk Insurance Specialist (CRIS) program. He has been called upon to offer insurance education in conferences and symposiums across the country over the past fifteen years and has provided services to several law firms in the capacity of expert consultant.
Sam is Past President of the Missouri Insurance Education Foundation.
Featured topics: An Hour with Sam: Liability Concerns in the Personal Auto Policy An Hour with Sam: Physical Damage Coverage Concerns in the Personal Auto Policy See Calendar
 Phone: (440) 576-5926 Email: [email protected] |
Scott A. Treen, CIC |
Scott Treen is the President of Treen Insurance Agency in Jefferson, Ohio. He has more than 30 years of experience as an insurance professional. He earned a bachelor's degree from Youngstown State University in 1981 and holds the CIC and CPIA designations.
Scott received the Jack V. Hedges Educator of the year award in 2007 from the Professional Insurance Agents of Ohio and is on the National Faculty for the National Alliance.
Scott has taught for CISR, CIC, LUTCF, CPIA and other professional development courses and speaks to various civic groups. He has also taught insurance related curriculum to high school students. He was past president of the Ashtabula County Life Underwriters Association.
Featured topics: Marriage, Kids, Money, Assisted Living and Everything Between: Home and Auto Exposures For Life “Wait…What the #^&* Just Happened?!” Fourteen Personal Lines Issues To Know Before It’s Too Late See Calendar

Steven D. Lyon is the founder and principal of Lyon Consulting Services, LLC, an independent Education and Management Consulting firm. Lyon utilizes his 40 years of expertise and experience that comes from owning, operating, and managing a respected and profitable Insurance Agency in Northern New Jersey.
In addition to owning an Independent Agency, Steve has served as the Regional Director of Education for a large Brokerage firm and was a Regional Vice President in charge of Personal Lines for the Insurance Division of a dynamic Banking Institution.
Steve has earned his CPCU, CIC, CRM, AAI, ARM, AIS, CRIS and MLIS designations and lectures for Insurance Agencies, Brokers, Companies and Associations. He regularly works with the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of New Jersey, Professional Insurance Agents of NJ, NY, CT and NH, Insurance Agents and Brokers of PA, MD, and DE; and travels to all 50 states and Puerto Rico teaching CISR, CIC, and Ruble Seminars as a National Faculty member for The National Alliance.
Featured topics: All-Things Ethics: Agent Obligations, Standards, Authority and More Bots, Crypto, Weed and Other Risks You Never Imagined Insuring (But Here We Are) The Fine Print: Understanding the Contractual Obligations of Your Insured See Calendar
 Phone: (888) 668-8082 Email: [email protected] |
Terry L. Tadlock, CIC, CPCU, CRIS |
Terry Tadlock is a 34-year veteran of the insurance business. In an attempt to enjoy a little slower paced-life he has joined the Correll Insurance Group of agencies as the President of Coastal Plains Insurance, LLC (CPI) in beautiful Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Terry is part owner and responsible for the day-to-day operations of CPI.
Terry continues to accept national speaking engagements and writes technical articles for a variety of state and national insurance publications. In his spare time Terry is also recognized by Federal and State courts as an expert on insurance coverages and serves as an expert witness. Terry has spent the last 25 years specializing in Commercial property subjects, including Business Income and all areas of Personal Lines.
Terry has also worked with the Florida Department of Insurance where he was the Administrator of Agents Licensing. His primary responsibilities included the approving of individuals for agent licensing and supervision of the writing of all state insurance examinations. During this time, he also represented the state of Florida on the National Test Development Committee which sets standards for agent licensing examinations.
Currently, Terry holds a Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation and is a National Faculty Member of the Society. In addition, he serves as the Educational Consultant in North Carolina. Terry also holds Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriting (CPCU) and Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist (CRIS) professional designations.
Featured topics: Mastering Business Income: Tools & Tips to Keep Insureds Flush The Bad Thing Happened: Handling Commercial Claims & Coverage Disputes See Calendar