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E&O Hot Issues
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Category: CE Webinar

E&O Hot Issues
March 22, 2022 •  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Mishell K. Magnusson, CIC, CISR, CPIA, AAI, FIPC

This seminar is intended to be the latest in E&O loss control prevention along with looking at some of the issues agents, brokers & company personnel face with technology and the errors & omissions suits for both Property/Casualty Agents/Brokers and the Employee Benefits staff to include health, life and disability insurance.  Our client’s needs are certainly not getting less complex.  Obtaining new business is always a challenge yet the need for retention can be even greater.  How is the agency/company balancing the ball of the customer who is up with technology and those who are not?  Are you identifying exposures and thinking about “Uber”, “Lyft”, “Airbnb”, or “Home Away” just to name a few; or how about those Drones?  Now that you have identified the risk, what do you do to make sure you are protected against an E&O loss?  This seminar is intended to help with just that.

3 CE Credit
Members $40
Nonmembers $60
The deadline to register is Friday, March 18,  2022

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